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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4558 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

These are some threads that answer common questions.

Open search results in new tab. JS or CSS?14:21, 5 May 2021Noreplyz Can I correct my wikia name OR at least save the URL?22:38, 9 March 2013Monchoman45 How do you change the sign of the chat mod star, how you join and leave chat, and the away sign?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 Centralised location where Wikia devs list changes to CSS selector names09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 Changing admin username color?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 Can not read FAQ category items. JS or CSS to fix?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 How do I adopt/become admin for an abandoned wiki?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 Global.js or Common.js or Wikia.js ???09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 How do you apologize to an admin even though they blocked you?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 Answers ask box template09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 How do I delete my account?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 How to change the user title for Admins09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 If I don't want someone to be an admin, is there anyway to not let them be one?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 FAQs09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 Colour of external links09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 How do I link to a random page in a category in the navigation?09:24, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 "New questions", "Answered / edited questions", etc. on main page09:22, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 Adding Background to Page09:22, 7 March 2013Monchoman45 What is an efficient way for Admins to "patrol" a wiki?18:40, 4 March 2013Monchoman45 Do Wiki Founders have extra powers?18:40, 4 March 2013Monchoman45 WantedFiles issue18:49, 1 March 2013Rappy What Links for "Video:" pages18:49, 1 March 2013Rappy Tooltip references18:44, 1 March 2013Rappy Template Variables inside a Gallery18:43, 1 March 2013Rappy MediaWiki:Wikia-navigation-global18:32, 1 March 2013Rappy MediaWiki:Badwords18:32, 1 March 2013Rappy