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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4539 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

How can I create a random logo in Oasis? I know the code for Monobook:

/* Random logo */
function RandomLogo() {
	var logoArray = new Array();
	logoArray[0] = 'URL IMAGE 1';
	logoArray[1] = 'URL IMAGE 2';
        logoArray[2] = 'URL IMAGE 3';
	var chosenLogo = Math.round(Math.random() * (logoArray.length - 1));
	document.getElementById('p-logo').innerHTML = '<a accesskey="z" title="Home Page [alt-shift-z]" href="/wiki/HOMEPAGE" style="background-image: url(' + logoArray[chosenLogo] + ');"/>';

but in Oasis the logo is a section like

<h1 class="wordmark medium graphic">
<a href="/wiki/HOMEPAGE" accesskey="z">
<img alt="HOMEPAGE" src="URL IMAGE">

any ideas? leviathan_89 21:56, 14 November, 2011 (UTC)