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Hello all! Korvic here, working on a wiki and I keep flipping tables over trying to get an HD background to work. I am no coder, and do not know any CSS. I've tried looking for explinations on how to upload a background that's HD, even video tutorials, but to no avail. I wish to upload this ( as my background image. I can upload it elsewhere, is there anyway I can just paste the image URL so that the wikia page uses it as it's background? If not and it has to be coded, could someone also give me instructions as to how to edit, and what to edit in the CSS as I have no idea what I am doing in that aspect. Thank you for any and all help!


First, I highly recommend converting your image to a JPG file. Your background image is 2.5 megabytes. Unless you want visitors to your wiki to wait a whole minute or two for the background image to render, you need to cut down the file size.
There are 2 different ways to get a background image for your wiki. The first and simpler way is to use the Theme Designer page in your admin dashboard. The maximum background file size for Theme Designer is 150 kilobytes (as explained above: background images with large file size = take too long to load = bad for most viewers). If want to go over the 150 kb file size limit, you can do so with CSS:
1) Write down your image URL, such as
2) Write the CSS using the background-image property. You may also want to set other background properties as well, such as background-color so that you have a default color that appears outside the boundary of your image (e.g. if your image is too small for some people's screens). Here's an example of how you use CSS to set up a background image.
/* Background Image */
body.mediawiki {
    background-image: url("");
    background-color: black;
3) Once you've written the CSS, you need to place it in your wiki's MediaWiki:Wikia.css page to get it to load for all viewers of your wiki. Assuming your wiki is, your MediaWiki:Wikia.css page would be at (Change "EXAMPLE" to what the actual domain of your wiki is) 20px_Rin_Tohsaka_Avatar.png Mathmagician ƒ(♫) 02:38 UTC, Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Thank you so much, this works perfectly. --Puts his keyboard back together.-- You, sir, are very good. :3
