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I wanted to arr Ambox to the Commando 2 Wiki, but i'm having troubles, and i'm stuck in the middle and have no idea how to finish this.
I hope it's not too much to ask, but i wanted to ask if someone can add the Ambox template, the Ambox/doc template, and the Ambox/code.css template to the Commando 2 wiki. I wanted to use it to create a special "Stub Template" look, like in some wikis i know, so i searched in the templates wiki, but, as you can see, i'm having troubles.

I anyone can please add the Ambox template and it's sub pages, or just send me help, I will really appreciate.

Thanks so much for reading.

Penguin-Pal (talk) 20:41, December 24, 2011 (UTC)