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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4057 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I am trying to add a Facebook Like Box to my wiki. I have successfully added one to a template page. But when I try to add it to the home page, it does not work, either by adding the template, or adding the code for the box.

<fb:like-box profile_id="234980796562439" header="false" stream="false"/>

Does my wiki have to have a different layout or setting for the code to work? -- 5Celcious (Talk) 23:40, October 29, 2011 (UTC)

Shows up fine on my end. - Tjcool007 (Talk) 11:18, October 30, 2011 (UTC)
Same here. --Dser (wall | email) 13:30, 10/30/2011

I just realized that AdBlocker blocks it -_-. But on some wikis I can see it, and on some others I can't. -- 5Celcious (Talk) 21:15, October 30, 2011 (UTC)