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Originally as I detailed at Wikia Anime Project I named the final name of the project after covering all forms of Anime, Manga, Cartoons, and Comics to be the Wikia Con Project because that was the best term I could find which fit in with all of them, but as someone mentioned at Anime:Project talk:Wikia Anime Project that has some issues with it.

I think I'm going to need some help coming up with a new name. While the name isn't needed as a reference now, unfortunately I'm using the old Con as a prefix for things in the extensions being developed for the project and if that name changes the code is rather difficult to rework. It's ok for a name to be grabbed now because due to some circumstances I'm needing to start the coding over from scratch using the old code just for ideas on how to do it.

The name can't be specific to Animation because that would exclude Manga and Comics. And it can't be specific to a style of drawing such as the style used in Manga and Anime because that would exclude Cartoons and Comics. Con doesn't work because it extends to other things aswell. Possibly something like Graphic Entertainment. It's alright if it spans into things such as Video Games which such as Megaman, the Naruto games, etc... Cause I'm debating on if the project should expand into those areas to because I'm running into allot of Anime/Manga/Video Game cross-overs where the games also get pretty big. ~Dantman(talk) tricks Apr 18, 2007 @ 02:49 (UTC)

"Graphic Entertainment" thats very generic if from what im reading thats the name of the Wikia you want to create, from my personal experience i have seen lots of cross-overs some very good that has Anime, Comics, Mangas, Cartoons and Games all together normally very bad combinations and very few good ones. If im getting your idea correctly is to create a huge network for interlinking like a mini cental wikia?.
Or maybe the other option is to create centralize networks one for each subject (one for anime, one for comic, etc), and then link between those centralize networks, that way each network is specific and independent and working with certain harmony with the rest --Cizagna (Talk) 18:41, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
Actually I already explained most of that at Forum:Anime Network and Forum:Wikia Anime (and Manga?) Project when I was first starting up the project. But the general idea originates from the thought that ideally it would be nice if every anime series had it's own Wiki. Of course Wikia could never handle creating a wiki for each one of the hundreds of anime that exist, not only that but some are a bit small for that. So the focus is the next best thing, something that Wikipedia, and wouldn't be able to handle. The larger anime which would fit in with their own wiki (as outlined at Enough for a wiki?) and all of the smaller anime which couldn't fit in with their own wiki get a spot at the Animepedia. On the Animepedia a subpage like structure is used giving each anime it's own Anime world which functions much like a Mini Wiki just for that specific anime. Of course that's just Anime right now (Which is why the project is currently called the "Wikia Anime Project"), but there are plans for expanding into Manga, Cartoons, and Comics. Basically it's an idea of giving a more comprehensive overview of all these series. Unlike Wikipedia's WikiProject Anime and Manga the idea here isn't a simple article on all anime/manga/comics/cartoons and more detail on all the larger and more popular ones where only the larger ones get to have their main characters on their own pages, It's an idea for giving every Series it's own space, where every character, episode, and unique item has it's own article page. And to keep things organized Anime and Manga are detailed separately (Some series have complete differences between the Anime and Manga).
In that structure there are 2 classes of wiki Top-level and Low-level. The Low-level wiki are ones like the Narutopedia and InuYasha wiki, they concentrate on a single large series working on every anime, manga, and game aspect on it (Low-level refers to how they link back to the main wiki in the project). Currently the only Top-level wiki in the project is the Animepedia, but when it expands the Manga Wiki and probably the Cartoons and Comics wiki would be to. In a Top-level wiki in the project every Series of it's type (Anime, Manga, etc...) Has it's own article. For anime, if it's a large one, then that article is just the simple series overview, and it links to the wiki which handles that series for all the detailed information. If it's a smaller series, then the Subpage structure allows for every bit of detail to be gone into on the Anime inside of the Animepedia without any sort of name conflicts with other series as if the series had it's own Mini Wiki. Actually, not only that, but each anime series has it's own World as I call it, The base page holds an index of all the articles, and a little bit of extension work allows the World's name and the trailing / to be removed from the title, as well as the fact that each of those Worlds has the ability to customize the style as if it were it's own wiki.
I actually have a number of sharing things already in place, all the templates in Anime:Category:Templates/shared are ones which I have a bot set to share across all the wiki in the project. There's also a bot for ImageMirroring, and pages such as Anime:MediaWiki:Anime-Common.css are already included into all the wiki in the project giving everything a global set of styles and additions that makes setting up a new wiki in the project even easier than making a brand new Wikia.
This is a little extra other thing being worked on in the technical sense, but It derived from when I created an episodeNav template. The template included another page which had a parserfunction coded list of all the episodes in the series, and using that only {{episodeNav|episode number}} had to be included into an episode article, and the navigation would show properly with the names, without a user needing to make edits in 4 places just to change the title of a episode. Though I realized that like when I tried to create at ISO 3166-1 template you couldn't make something to large, unfortunately that style of thing would break if a series had to many episodes. So I'm also working on a type of extension which allows tables to be created using a fixed set of database tables for storage. New tables (Not database tables) can be created, new row items and columns can be added and removed, things can be edited, etc... Through a specialpage interface, and using a Parserfunction data can be outputed in various ways. As an example, for the Nanoha anime series if there was an table with the episodes which had ep number, title, english title, etc... a code like this inside of that episodeNav template could output pieces of information:
{{#datatable:mode=row|table=nanoha-ep|rowsearch=ep is {{{1|}}}|limit=1|output=%title%}}
And even better, this is something the previous one couldn't, Something like:
	| table    = nanoha-ep
	| template = EpisodeRow
Could be used to output the entire episode list on the ../Episodes page, and only the table would need to be altered to change the title on the episodes list, the episode's nav on it's page, on the nav for the previous episode, and on the page with the next episode. p.s. I already have the system which does most of the Mini Wiki work basically complete. ~Dantman(talk) tricks Apr 21, 2007 @ 04:04 (UTC)
Other than Anime, Manga, Cartoons, Comics, and Video Games is there anything you can think of that Graphic Entertainment could refer to? Actually, other than the 4 Top-level wiki, I have the feeling that I'm going to need to request one which would fit above them at some point so that the basic definitions (Like Anime, Manga, etc...) and companies would be listed there, as well as the fact that that would be the central location for all the shared stuff to be located. Currently I use the Animepedia for that, but when the project becomes about Anime, Manga, Cartoons, and Comics I don't think it fits well for the wiki on Anime to be the main wiki for all parts of the project when it only covers Anime. ~Dantman(talk) tricks Apr 21, 2007 @ 04:04 (UTC)
What could it fall in the Graphic Entertainment? basically is huge you could say to wide as it referrers to any thing you can see and that can entertain you, like movies (adding this is simply wow huge), image illusions, magic tricks, TV (another huge one and here falls Anime and Animation cartoons), magazines (where manga and comics or rather specific printed cartoons) & art (any type of art as mostly to enjoy art you have to see it). Those are the ones i can think of, thought art is very subjective as some new arts are more physical design others are emotional driven thought both of them base in a graphic view to lure the spectator harmonizing the lines of the picture, so yeah its to huge unless we can find something little more specific that we can separate the others as i see them a little bit un necessary a fictitious name like AniComManCarGam or shorter like A.C.M.C.G. thought it will require for people to know what does it mean =/ . In a very personal point of view for me Anime and Cartoons are the same as both are animated pictures display in TV (with exceptions for movies) with their micro/macro cosmos world and originally most of them are manga/comics based. And Comics and Manga also i see them as the same as those are pictures stamped in magazines or little strips. The mayor difference between them its just drawing styles, order on how they are display & maybe a little of how the mentality is handle in making each one as the Asian style has more structure and clean definition than the American style that is detail and complex. So at the end i finish in a debate against color or colour. Games is so huge also its already develop at a macro level so wide so much variety that trying to fix it with the other 4 is nearly impossible as games can be based even in a drop of water falling to a sewer in his journey to the sea. Animation (Anime & Animated Cartoons), Cartoon (Comics & Manga) & Games. Manga Started as a satiric art of events, and Printed cartoons started in 1843 as satirical drawings with a political concept so unless we go deep on the terms to look the the correct name will be entertainment with Animation section, subsection Anime, subsection Animated Cartoon or simply Cartoon, then Cartoon (contradictory here as the name is also use for animated cartoons), with subsection Comics, subsection Manga and finally Games section... Dont know maybe im getting out of the point some one has other idea? --Cizagna (Talk) 16:55, 21 April 2007 (UTC)
Hmmm... there's a bit of a difference between Graphic and Graphics... or Graphical. Graphics or Graphical could be stated that it has to be drawn, or done in some sort of way which is not physical. I guess the absolute best name for the project would probably be the Wikia Graphical Entertainment Project. T_T Now I half to move the few pages I moved to Graphic Entertainment to Graphical Entertainment. T_T And moving pages on Central is a pain, damn ping limiter. Well, so that I don't half to do this later on and to avoid the confusion of the massive name change. I guess the final name should be set in place now, WGEP would be the abbreviation for the project. As for how wide it could cover, I guess the thing to think about is not what else it could cover, but what the most common public view would be. When you think Graphics, you think of things like drawings, 3D, art etc... And when you think Entertainment you think of Books, Movies, Videos, Games, etc... And when you put them together you're pretty much thinking of the restricted area of Entertainment which is visible (Not textual), but is not physically made(acted out and done with Visual Effects). So that name should be about as good as it gets. Now I'll prefix my things with GE instead of Con. ~Dantman(talk) tricks Apr 22, 2007 @ 07:07 (UTC)