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Forums: Index Help desk How do i Get a Reverse Alphabetical Listing of Files Uploaded?
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I am Downloading content from a Wikia that others have Uploaded. I am almost done with going through as much as possible in Alphabetical Order by changong the 500 in the search to 6000 but the limit on the files seems to be 5000 so I am not getting the complete listing. What I need is to reverse it (Or offset it so I can get the last files on the list. Any Ideas? Glittersword 23:04, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Once we upgrade to 1.9, it will be easier to do. See Wikipedia's Imagelist for example: Wikipedia:Special:Imagelist. What you could do for now, is go through Special:Log/upload (which you can offset). --Splarka (talk) 00:15, 2 March 2007 (UTC)