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Pages on central wikia's mainspace should look more like the pages in wikiindex. Sorting wikias by age, weight, level of activity, etc, would be very useful. Right now we only have categories by language and topic.--Rataube 00:52, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

Sorting by level of activity might not work out right though. If you'll notice how many inactive wikia are around but don't have the Adopt a Wiki template placed on them. Things like that depend on a Wiki's members keeping the information up to date. But that's a little more common on a site that just lets people list their own wiki then a place that hosts them because we're listing wiki which are both enthusiastic and unenthusiastic about it. Though if you have another good way to sort wikia that would be good to. ~Dantman(talk) tricks Mar 29, 2007 @ 01:27 (UTC) --Splarka (talk) 03:37, 29 March 2007 (UTC)