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Note: This topic has been unedited for 5610 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

When I added images to a wikia site, the images appear to be inline the text. I used [[image:name.png|thumb|left]] which is the correct format. There should be about 7 space before the text right? How could I solve this problem? I'm not the admin of that wikia though.--Bluemask 05:33, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Hello. Please help on how to fix this. The images appear [image]text instead of [image] text... Please I need help here.--Bluemask 11:08, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Could you provide us a link to a page where we could see this behavior? --Ciencia Al Poder (talk) -WikiDex 20:03, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Here's one: I'm pretty sure, I did the right thing though...--Bluemask 02:04, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
You are right ... I've identified the problem as being due to slightly odd CSS elsewhere. It should be fixed whenever the next CSS update goes through. Kirkburn  talk  contr    15:38, 4 December 2008 (UTC)
Just checked, looks good now :) Kirkburn  talk  contr    14:46, 8 December 2008 (UTC)