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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4768 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

What is happening on this template, ?

It happens that it does not look like how it used to. Pages like and are being ridiculously stretched because of this template. but it hasn't been touched since by a former editor years ago. What has happened to it? Mckrongs 23:55, March 30, 2011 (UTC)

Not only it does mess up game pages, but our crucial pages as well, such as . What has happened to cause such problem? Please fix this ASAP. Firs it was the broken galleries, now this... Mckrongs 00:02, March 31, 2011 (UTC)

A few people have noticed some CSS fails in the past few minutes - for example, I can't see the box around the forum header. This might be a temporary Wikia-end thing.  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  00:06,3/31/2011 
I have asked my friends around and they don't see the problem, but they are using browsers other than Firefox 4. This seems to only happen in Firefox 4... Mckrongs 00:17, March 31, 2011 (UTC)
Can you provide a screenshot?  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  00:26,3/31/2011 
I hate using Wikia as an Image hosting service, but I just need to show this quick. I shall delete this after the problem is resolved. Mckrongs 00:43, March 31, 2011 (UTC)
Odd. If you know how to use firebug, that might help you figure out what's wrong - remember that FF4 is still a new browser. If you don't know anything about firebug, I'd Special:Contact about it.  Monchoman45  Talk  Contribs  Skystone  00:59,3/31/2011 
Hm, I cleared my cache, and it got fixed. Except that the tabview looks different now instead of its former look. That must've been the modifications wikia's doing....Mckrongs 23:31, March 31, 2011 (UTC)