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Forums: Index Support Requests Making a navigation bar above the logo
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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4487 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Hi! I am the founder of the Dick Figures wiki. What I am trying to do is to put a navigation bar above the wiki logo. I do not know if it's possible but here is what I am trying to do: BarThingyDF

I have tried but I have not found any possible way to do it. Maybe you guys can help me? And I have coding

for each button if that would be of any use. (It's an image because I had some issues making the pre formated text on my laptop. TextDF1

HungryGrox - The Lord of Sweden 06:47, January 3, 2012 (UTC)

Well, if you can think of a way it wouldn't mess with the ad, I suppose you could use CSS to move the .WikiaPageContentWrapper down and hide the real nav, and then maybe use JS to insert an imagemap. —Airhogs777 WCB WS 07:00, January 3, 2012 (UTC)
This may be against Wikia's terms of use. Good luck! Gourleyo|Talk|Contributions 07:38, January 3, 2012 (UTC)
Not 'may be', it is against Oasis's Customization policy. Read more on it here. Specifically the part

Site content pushed down for extra banner or logo space
Please don't add anything that will change the position of "Edited by" dropdown and anything above it. If you want to add a banner, you can do this in the article area, but remember that this will make your content show lower on the page.

would make this against the policy. Rappy 20:32, January 3, 2012 (UTC)