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Note: This topic has been unedited for 5449 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Just got a few questions about the exact codes to modify some specific wiki elements, as no color in my current code seems to really affect them. (Except maybe in a negative way)

I'd prefer specific codes which only affect exactly these elements, not others as well.

Example Picture

I want to modify the elements in this picture:

  • The 1px horizontal border between the wikia and wiki logo
  • The page_bar font color for the Edit, History, etc. links
  • The font and / or background color for the "Editing Tips" and the Editing Summary & Options (these two seem to be affected by the same code by standard, as they equally resist page background color changes.

Currently these colors make parts of my wiki unreadable or are just annoying, so I'd like to remove / recolor them as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance for every helpful post.

Edit: Just figured the page_bar font color out myself, good thing testing stuff is quite easy here.

Crynsos 21:51, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

When i want to find the CSS id or class to use for anything, i usully check the page HTML source.
But sometimes, we need more specific selectors. Finding them can be quite a challenge. It happen that i give up.
Another tool that might help ya is Firebug (a Firefox extension that help analizing code of pages).
The 1px line you're talking about might be a border (but could also be a background image). — TulipVorlax 02:13, 13 May 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for trying to help, but neither Firebug nor the page source code gave me much helpful information. Instead I tried to find a standard monaco skin css file and compare the colors there with their appearance areas, which worked out in the end, as I found out that the Editing Tips color is simply defined by the .color1 background-color, something I really didn't expect at all.

About the little border, I already defined it as completely black, I just had a little error in that code: I defined it to be not only black, but also 1px strong, which it didn't accept and thus also ignored the following color definition.

Thanks anyway, lets hope that the source code is also this helpful with future problems.

[Dead Frontier Wiki Admin] Crynsos 12:31, 13 May 2009 (UTC)

Yes, looking at the CSS file that Wikia staff made can help. But it's been a long time since i had to do this because Wikia has already produced a lot of help page about customizing the Monaco skin and one of them tell us about the .color1 selector. I would have proposed to try that but i wasn't properly understanding what you wanted it seems. — TulipVorlax 02:09, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
Weird firebug is very helpful maybe you have not that much practice as you can inspect elements and see the CSS that its affecting them all the way (from specific to globals) also you can see the HTML tag where you can deduce if it has and ID or Class that you can pin point, also as you test in the Firebug window you can see the actual changes and if you affect classes you cann see all the effects on those clases etc etc very powerful tool but it takes time to know it the guides/manual at their website (or other websites) are rather poor for non geeky people --Cizagna (Talk) Dofus » 19:56, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
Help:Customizing Monaco may be able to help in part. Kirkburn  talk  contr    11:13, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

Well, yeah I guess I just don't know Firebug enough to use it effectively yet, but training makes the master...

And yes, the Customizing Monaco help pages are quite useful, but seemingly I overlooked that part I needed in there when I looked over it again... lets hope that doesn't happen again...

[Dead Frontier Wiki Admin] Crynsos 12:09, 19 May 2009 (UTC)