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Forums: Index Support Requests Monobook visualization issue
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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4382 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Hi, I don't understand why a centered thumb image in this page (on the bottom) in Oasis is placed beside the infobox, but in monobook is placed under it, like there was a clear propriety. Can it be fixed?

As you can see in the same page, in monobook the colors of the top template (the tabs) are messed up, why's that? The template is this one, I'm sorry but it was a template created long time ago on One Piece Wiki and was updated many times, I didn't have the time to make order in the code so it's a bit messy. leviathan_89 11:58, 19 April, 2012 (UTC)

Oasis/Wikia is a fixed-width skin. You have 680px of content area, and you've chosen to center something which is 220px, next to an infobox which is roughly 320px (20em). Because your text is not longer than the height of the infobox, your picture can do nothing other than collide with the infobox. It's simple math.

You can correct it by:

  • adding more text, so that the picture is pushed down past the bottom of the infobox
  • removing the centered picture (do you really need two pics in that proximity of each other?)
  • making the pic left-aligned instead of center aligned
  • decreasing the widths of the pic, the infobox, or both

The reason why it looks like it's cleared in monobook is because monobook is not a fixed-width skin. You simply have your browser window open sufficiently wide that the two elements avoid collision. However, if you narrowed your browser window, you'd eventually be able to create exactly the same effect. czechout    fly tardis  22:12: Thu 19 Apr 2012 

I didn't understand why in Oasis the centered image was place next to the infobox (basically centered in the space left) while in monobook was centered under the infobox... shouldn't be the opposite? Anyway, I'd like to know if there is a way (CSS) to achieve the same thing in monobook and remove all that unused space between the text and the image... otherwise I'll simply left align it. For the tab template instead any ideas? leviathan_89 23:31, 19 April, 2012 (UTC)