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What to do in the case a wikia is abandoned by its admins? No one administrates it, no one cares of it therefor number of users don't increase and content isn't changed usually... --Joim 20:56, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

Well, are you interested in adopting that wiki? :-) Which wikia is it? --rieke 21:36, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

Its this one. atm I don't have in mind what to do, since I own a host which is quite empty hehe --Joim 17:11, 3 December 2007 (UTC)

That one doesn't look inactive, I see an active RC even excluding the vandals. You would half to start up a discussion there and see who everyone wants to become the admin. Also, I don't know what host you are talking about, but remember to read over Common mistakes and Ownership because no-one owns a Wikia wiki. ~NOTASTAFF Daniel Friesen (DanTMan, Nadir Seen Fire) (talk) (tricks) (current topic) Dec 3, 2007 @ 17:29 (UTC)