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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4159 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

What's the deal with this?

Is there someone that is using my Wikia account, or someone carrying over our pages onto their Wikias. I am displeased if the answer are both or either of the two. I know that we hold no grounds to any content that we post under Wikia, but why does my Username have to be associated with these edits? How do Wikia Users also do this and is there a way to stop them from doing so? Mckrongs 19:28, November 27, 2012 (UTC)

I highly doubt someone is using your account, the only way that could happen is if they know your password. As a precaution, you could go to Special:Preferences and change your password. (Technically Wikia staff can use your account, but they would never do so except in extremely rare circumstances, e.g. you report a bug and they need to do a test edit from your account to check it.)
It's possible to use Special:Export to export a page, edit the XML file on your computer, and then use Special:Import to re-import the page. For example: w:c:mathmagician:Special:Contributions/Mckrongs -- you didn't make that edit. The edit was made from my account, but by editing the XML file, I made it look like the edit is attributed to your account as proof of concept.
It's possible that somebody was doing something like that (although I have no idea why), or maybe that some kind of bug happened. If you're concerned, you could try asking Wikia staff about it at Special:Contact. 20px_Rin_Tohsaka_Avatar.png Mathmagician ƒ(♫) 20:13 UTC, Tuesday, 27 November 2012