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Forums: Index Community Central Forum Staff needed and stickied threads categories
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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4854 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I've just added a couple of lines to the Forums listing page.

One is to explain how to make a thread "stickied" and so always at the top of the listing. I think we may need to set some sort of restriction on who can sticky a post, so as not to over-crowd the section... or maybe say that if the category is removed it should not be replaced by the original person who added it? I'm not sure, we'll see what works.

The other is to introduce Category:Staff needed. The idea is that staff can watch this category, and then any of the regulars who see a post that especially needs our attention can add the category to attract our attention. This is a suggestion that came out of my discussion with Fandyllic, and something I'd like to give a try.

I think this will work best if it's used only for group discussions that need staff input, and not for questions (like, say, "how do I change my user name?") that can be best answered by directing the asker to Special:Contact. That's still the primary way of getting staff help, but this may be useful in bringing us to discussion threads that we might otherwise miss.

We'll have to work out exactly the right criteria between us, but I think it's worth experimenting with :)

Please let me know what you think. Thanks, and Happy New Year to all -- Sannse (help forum | blog) 20:01, January 1, 2011 (UTC)

How many stickies?

I think 15 stickied threads is a lot... it kinda loses the impact of having something at the top if there aren't just a couple of key things. But on the other hand, they are good choices of repeat questions. Maybe the sticky should be a FAQ listing of the other pages? With a clear "read here first" title? Or we could just try this way first, and see what happens -- Sannse (help forum | blog) 11:17, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

I previously suggested a FAQ section / link in the help menu drop down in one of the earlier blog discussion after oasis appaeared. Now that this stick thread idea has been implemented I've put up an idea here in the forum as even before the list grew overnight i could see it getting too unwieldy ;) I've done it as a outline table/index of links to other pages on Wikia and added a section for discussion and alternative suggestions rather than just sticking it in the 'Stickied section', so it could be refined first if the idea is acceptable.
See Forum:FAQ - Sugestion -   BulldozerD11   talk    contribs    email   13:09, January 4, 2011 (UTC)