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Forums: Index Support Requests The fade-in images and request for a way to load them on page load
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Note: This topic has been unedited for 4162 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Information in this thread may be out of date. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

So the images now use JS to load them when a user scrolls near them. I assume this is to save time on page load (and if it isn't then it's pointless). If so, then I understand why it's used.

However it will only load a new image when a user scrolls near it. A wiki I use makes use of tabs. Now these all appear on the page until the JS catches up with it, and then all the non-active tabs display:none. The last tab is usually the one that displays by default. So this means at the top of the page is now a tab with no image because it hasn't loaded yet, and won't load until the user scrolls the page a bit, which is obviously not helpful.

This can't be fixed with CSS. I can prevent the fade and everything, but it appears the problem is that the page doesn't load the image onto it until the user scrolls near it.

So is there anyway to disable fade-in images and have them appear on page-load? Or will I have to fix it with JS? And if so, can someone perhaps suggest what will fix it? --All I really need is for images within a specified class (or I suppose I could also make it an id, but preferably not) to have the images load on page-load, and everything else can load how it likes. JBed (talk) 13:46, November 26, 2012 (UTC)