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Forums: Index General Discussion This is just unfair!
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Okay, I am a little annoyed about this, and I know many other people are too. Why do wikis that have under 200 pages get to be spotlighted. I found that the Minecraft Buildcraft Wiki is featured while it only has 70+ pages. Can someone please tell me why the Staff of Wikia are doing this. This is plainly just unfair!
Joletole (talk) 14:53, August 26, 2012 (UTC)

Please submit your concerns to Special:Contact/general.TK-999 (talk) 15:04, August 26, 2012 (UTC)
The reason this happens is because there are 2 different processes by which spotlights are chosen. Some spotlights are requested by users, in which case they have to meet the requirements at Community Central:Spotlights, while other spotlights are chosen by staff because they want to highlight particular wikis, perhaps ones related to currently trending news, etc. As TK said, you can also ask at Special:Contact. 20px_Rin_Tohsaka_Avatar.png Mathmagician ƒ(♫) 17:26 UTC, Sun, 26 August 2012