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Forums: Index Support Requests Want to Add a Currency System
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By wiki is and what we're interested in doing is adding a currency system, we use a fake currency sort of as an RPG and the way we do it right now is complicated, it involves us having to type in a lot and editing pages to do it which is messy and errors happen often. Is there any way to program something that shows how much everyone has on their user page (or any page they want to show it on), allows easy transactions to happen (say if I wanted to give 10 currency to Jim, I'd just go to Jim's user page and type 10 into some box which would subtract 10 from my user account and give 10 to Jim's), but still keep things recordable so we know who gives currency to who and all that stuff?

I know it's a steep request but if anyone can help me that'd be terrific! You can e-mail me at if you're interested or just reply here. Thank you!

Stavrok 22:29, June 13, 2012 (UTC)

An interesting challenge. If it's even possible, it would have to be done through javascript, as there's nothing in ordinary wikicode that would take care of such a situation. The real challenge is to somehow have a limit on the total number of dollars in the "economy". Otherwise, you'll just be creating money with each transaction. I imagine there's plenty on the internet about how to do this sorta thing, since it's a common feaure of a lot of games. czechout    fly tardis  04:25: Thu 14 Jun 2012