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I want to change the wiki title on the norwegian Star Wars wiki from "Star Wars wiki" to "Jedipedia". That is supposed to be easy to do by editing the WikiMedia:Sitetitle, but it doesn't work. What do I have to do? --Kudo 09:28, 4 August 2008 (UTC)

Firstly, please use "MediaWiki", not "WikiMedia" the latter is the name of a foundation and shouldn't be used in that way. Secondly it's MediaWiki:Pagetitle, but that only changes what what up in the <title></title>. To actually change the SITENAME make a request to one of the community team, they can alter that. ~NOTASTAFF Daniel Friesen (DanTMan, Nadir Seen Fire) (talk) (tricks) (current topic) Aug 4, 2008 @ 17:52 (UTC)
Thank you. --Kudo 09:18, 12 August 2008 (UTC)
Help:Main Page directly contradicts this advice. It indicates that you must move the page, and then adjust settings in several other places. That's where I got lost.--Otherlleft 11:15, 13 August 2008 (UTC)