Community Central
Community Central

Check how many edits you have made with Special:Editcount

Editcount is a special page at Special:Editcount. Simply enter a user name in the input box on the Editcount page, and click "submit". The page will give you a list of statistics for that user name.

Remember that user names are case sensitive, and you need to spell them carefully to get the correct results. The results apply to the wiki you are on, followed by a column showing your edits across all Wikia.


There are a few ways to use this page:

  • Linking [[Special:Editcount/Username]] will take you directly to someone's edit count page
  • Using {{Special:Editcount/Username}} will embed Username's local Editcount.
  • Using {{Special:Editcount/Username/Namespace}} to display the number of local edits for a specific namespace.

Global Data

The 'All Wikis' column is not 100% live information. It uses cached data that is rebuilt as a background task. There may be times when this task is disabled to save some server load, such as during high peak times (weekends, holidays). This can lead to it not updating and the values not adding up right, or to it not having any data, and displaying 0's in all rows. Dont panic. Nothing is lost, your edits are still there. Just give it some time, and check back later.