Community Central
Community Central
For help connecting to Wikia using your Facebook account, see Help:Facebook Connect

Facebook and Twitter pages can be a great way to attract new editors to your wikia and to interact with your users!

Whether you want to discuss a new episode, talk about a recent game update or just want to socialize, having a Facebook or Twitter account for your community is a great idea. Though creating the social account isn't the hard part, it is often far more difficult to get the news out about those pages. But what better way than to advertise it on the main page with a Facebook or Twitter widget?

Adding a Twitter timeline


A Twitter timeline

Adding a Twitter timeline to your main page is pretty simple:

  • Sign in to and visit the {{#NewWindowLink:"Create a user widget" page}} (this can also be accessed via the 'Widgets' section in your settings).
  • Choose your desired settings.
  • Click the blue "Create widget" button.
  • You will end up on a new page with a string of numbers in the URL, such as 345311016592228352. Copy this number.
  • On the page you wish to add the Twitter timeline to, write this code (replacing the number with your own):
    <twitter widget-id="345311016592228352" />
  • Et voilà, the Twitter widget should now appear once the page is saved!


  • On Twitter's widget setup page, you can change basic settings like the height, theme colors, and link colors.
  • We also support many of the parameters listed in Twitter's documentation. For example, if you wanted to set "chrome" as "transparent noborders", you would write:
    <twitter widget-id="345311016592228352" chrome="transparent noborders"/>
  • If you'd like to embed a timeline to an account that is not yours, use the screen-name attribute. However you will still need to get a widget ID using the settings above. With the screen-name attribute, you would write:
    <twitter widget-id="345311016592228352" screen-name="RSWiki" />

Adding Facebook widgets

With the follow, you can include Facebook widgets anywhere on your site! The following examples make use of Wikia's Facebook page,, but should use your community's Facebook page, or the Facebook page for your community's topic.

Page plugin

The 'Page' plugin is a versatile widget that can allow viewers to like a Facebook page, see which of their friends already like it, and view recent posts from the page. This widget should meet most of your needs around showcasing a Facebook page on your wikia!

The basic code looks like this:

<div class="fb-page" data-href=""></div>

This will generate a module that looks like this:

You can add parameters to the code to change additional elements:

  • data-show-posts="true" will show recent posts from the page
  • data-show-facepile="false" won't show the viewer's friends' faces
  • data-small-header="true" will make the cover image smaller, and data-hide-cover="true" will hide the cover image completely.

For example, using some of those parameters:

<div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-small-header="true" data-show-facepile="false" data-show-posts="true"></div>

This generates a module that looks like this:

{{#NewWindowLink:'s documentation page}} allows you to experiment with other layout options and generate a block of code that you can copy/paste onto your wikia. Select your options and click the "Get Code" button. You don't need to worry about the first step about using the "JavaScript SDK" – Wikia's taken care of that part. Just grab the code from step two and you'll be all set!

Like button

Adds a Like button that allows users to like the current page. You can also optionally add a Share button next to the Like button.

<fb:like share="true"></fb:like>


  • Add share="true" to also show a Share button.

Share button

The Share button lets users share a link on their timeline, in groups, or to their friends via a Facebook Message. Additional text can be added to the post or message.

<fb:share-button layout="button_count"></fb:share-button>


  • Use the layout parameter to choose between various types of button. Possible values are "box_count", "button_count", "button", "link", "icon_link", or "icon".

Follow button

The Follow button allows users to subscribe to the public updates of your wikia's Facebook page (if you have created one). Use the href parameter to link the widget to your wikia's Facebook page.

<fb:follow href=""></fb:follow>

Deprecated widgets

In June 2015, Facebook ended support for three older widgets that were supported on Wikia:

  • Like Box (tag was <fb:like>)
  • Facepile (tag was <fb:facepile>)
  • Recommendations Feed (tags was <fb:recommendations>)

The Page plugin is the best replacement for these!

Best practices

  • {{#NewWindowLink:w:c:muppet|The Muppet Wiki}} has a box on the top right of their main page, and the page has over 13,000 likes! They share photos of their favorite characters, news about the Muppets and ask fans to comment on posts.
  • {{#NewWindowLink:w:c:sims:The Sims Wiki|The Sims Wiki}} also has a very active Facebook community, with over 1500 likes. Like the Muppet Wiki, the box is on the top right of the page so the box will be one of the first things new visitors see. The Sims Wiki actively uses their Facebook page to share news articles, but also informs their users of important on-wikia discussions.

I still can't work it out!

If you are having problems setting up any of the Twitter or Facebook boxes, feel free to ask the community for help on our Forum, or contact Wikia staff.

See also

  • {{#NewWindowLink:homepage:w:Community_Central:Wikia_communities_on_Twitter|A list of Wikia communities with Twitter accounts}}
  • {{#NewWindowLink:homepage:w:Community_Central:Wikia_communities_on_Facebook|A list of Wikia communities with Facebook accounts}}
  • {{#NewWindowLink: about Facebook Social Plugins}}

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