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'''Special pages''' are useful tools and reports that come with the [[wikipedia:MediaWiki|MediaWiki software]] and help with wikia management. Special pages always begin with the prefix "Special:".
'''Special pages''' are useful tools and reports that come with the [[wikipedia:MediaWiki|MediaWiki software]] and help with wiki management. Special pages always begin with the prefix "Special:".
== How to find special pages ==
===[ ung thu than co bieu hien nhu the nao]===
* You can see a list of special pages available by visiting [[Special:SpecialPages]] on your wiki.
* If you're an admin on the wiki, you can find this in the [[Help:Admin Dashboard|Admin Dashboard]] under the "Advanced" Tab.
* <p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Thận là cơ quan để tồn tại một trái và phải trong bụng. Mặc dù nó là một cơ quan nằm ở bụng, nhưng nó đánh giữa phúc mạc và sau đó kết thúc tốt đẹp xung quanh toàn bộ đường ruột, nằm ở một nơi gọi là không gian sau phúc mạc. Chỉ cần nằm trong chiều cao của đầu dưới của xương sườn (sườn), chúng ta có một hình thức như thứ tự của 10 × 5 × 3cm rộng đậu.</p>
* If you want to create a shortcut to this list, you can add it to your [[Help:Toolbar|toolbar]] by clicking "Customize" and adding "Special pages" to your list.
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Các chức năng chính của thận, máu Icon Thuật ngữ Đã được lọc và nó là là làm cho nước tiểu, khác cũng đã cũng tạo ra hormone liên quan đến kiểm soát và tạo máu của huyết áp.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Với tục nhìn mịn cấu trúc, [ ung thư thận] được tạo thành từ nhu mô thận (vỏ não tiếp tục thực và được chia thành tủy) và một phần để làm cho nước tiểu của, một tổ chức gọi là bể thận nước tiểu được thực hiện thu thập bởi các (bể thận) thực sự. Nhu mô thận, mô học có thể thu thập các đơn vị là khoảng 120 triệu đơn vị được gọi là nephron và để làm cho nước tiểu. Niệu và mao mạch được gọi là tiểu cầu (Tai tử cung), và bao gồm một cấu trúc được gọi là các ống thận. Nếu các bên trong của đoạn cầu thận của máu, hầu hết các thành phần khác so với tế bào máu là De-sa eo ống lượn (nước tiểu ban đầu). Từ nước tiểu ban đầu này, tùy thuộc vào sự cân bằng của cơ thể tại thời điểm đó, và tái hấp thu các chất khác nhau Mizuya cần thiết. Do đó nước tiểu được tạo ra từ một số nephron được thu thập trong các bể thận, niệu quản qua để loại bỏ (bài tiết) và gửi đến bàng quang.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Hình 1 quả thận của cấu trúc</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">bản quyền</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">2. Và ung thư tế bào thận</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Các bệnh ung thư có thể là thận, là [ ung thư phần mềm] biểu mô tế bào thận chính và bể thận (bể thận) ung thư, nhiều trong số những xảy ra ở người lớn. Để những người thường xuyên xảy ra ở trẻ em có khối u Wilms '(" trẻ em có khối u thận đề cập đến "[PDF: 1.46MB]). Là một bệnh ung thư hiếm gặp, và sarcoma Icon Thuật ngữ Và đó là một bệnh ung thư di căn từ các cơ quan khác.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Ung thư biểu mô tế bào thận là những gì các tế bào của ống là ung thư, nhưng ung thư xương chậu thận vì những tế bào của đường tiết niệu là ung thư, cũng Ya mỗi chất một loại ung thư có thể là trong thận cùng điều trị là khá khác nhau. Tôi đã mô tả cho ung thư tế bào thận trong phần này. "Đối với ung thư xương chậu thận bể thận, ung thư niệu quản , xin vui lòng tham khảo các trang ".</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">3. Triệu chứng</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Ung thư tế bào thận, không có triệu chứng đặc trưng. Ung thư tế bào thận được tìm thấy trong đó cho nhỏ, sàng lọc và, ví dụ, tìm thấy một cách tình cờ trong workup cho các bệnh khác, hầu hết những người được phát hiện một cách tình cờ. Bướu Icon Thuật ngữ Hoặc ra tiểu máu là tăng, bạn có thể muốn hoặc nhận thấy khối u trong bụng, nhưng nó không có quá nhiều trường hợp như vậy.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Cùng với các bệnh ung thư lan đến toàn bộ cơ thể, chán ăn, sụt cân, thiếu máu Icon Thuật ngữ , Các triệu chứng toàn thân như sốt sẽ xuất hiện. Ngoài ra, để ung thư tế bào thận làm cho vật liệu như vậy có tạo máu, tế bào máu đỏ tăng nhiều bệnh, bạn có thể tăng huyết áp và tăng calci huyết xảy ra.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Ngoài ra, gãy hoặc do di căn xương, co giật do di căn não, phổi nhờ phổi di căn khối (chính thống) Icon Thuật ngữ Chẳng hạn như, những người đã di căn đến các cơ quan khác đã được phát hiện trước đó, không ít là ung thư tế bào thận được tìm thấy như là một kết quả của việc kiểm tra độ chính xác.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">4. Dịch tễ học và Thống kê</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Chết vì ung thư tế bào thận trong năm 2010 của Nhật Bản nam khoảng 2,7 nghìn người, một người phụ nữ khoảng 1.300 người, cả nam giới và phụ nữ chiếm khoảng 1% tổng số ca tử vong ung thư. Ung thư thận, bao gồm cả năm 2006 của các bể thận số bệnh tật Icon Thuật ngữ (Ước tính quốc gia), nam khoảng 9600 người, một người phụ nữ khoảng 5.300 người, cả nam giới và phụ nữ chiếm 2% trong tổng số tỷ lệ mắc bệnh ung thư. Tỷ lệ tử vong ung thư tế bào thận chiếm khoảng 70% các ca tử vong ung thư của cả bệnh ung thư thận (ung thư biểu mô tế bào thận và bể thận, ung thư niệu quản). Tỷ lệ mắc bệnh Icon Thuật ngữ Là qua 70 năm tuổi từ 50 tuổi, cao hơn người già. Trong so sánh quốc tế của bệnh ung thư tế bào thận, Nhật Bản có xu hướng có thấp hơn so với các nước phương Tây với các ngoại lệ của Vương quốc Anh, trong các chủng tộc so sánh, nó là cao hơn trong các màu đen.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'TimesNewRoman';font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">
<p style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:TimesNewRoman;font-size:medium;line-height:normal;">Những người đã được thành lập như là [ nguyên nhân ung thư thận] gây ra (các yếu tố nguy cơ) có thể gây ung thư tế bào thận là hút thuốc lá và béo phì. Nguy cơ béo phì ở bốn lần, nó đã được tăng gấp đôi trong tăng huyết áp. Nói cách khác, những người béo phì so với những người này không phải là trường hợp, 4 Ung thư tế bào Baijin là một thực tế rằng có xu hướng xảy ra. Ngoài ra, hiện nay phenacetin chứa thuốc giảm đau, và như thế để các ứng cử viên yếu tố nguy cơ, hiện nay, sử dụng như một loại thuốc đã được hạn chế. Đối với nghề nghiệp và môi trường, thì đó là nói với một dung môi hữu cơ (trichloroethylene) và cadmium có nguồn gốc từ dầu mỏ, và được tiếp xúc với amiăng làm tăng nguy cơ. Mặt khác, di truyền, ung thư tế bào thận đã được biết rằng đó là những gia đình có xu hướng xảy ra. Von Hippel-Lindau để hợp nhất các hệ thống thần kinh trung ương hemangioblastoma (VHL) và bệnh, như Bert Hogg-De ~ yube (BHD) hội chứng khối u nhỏ tràn khí màng phổi tự phát và da mặt, các bệnh di truyền nhiễm sắc thể thường chiếm ưu thế Các bệnh nhân và thân nhân của họ có, tỷ lệ phát bệnh ung thư tế bào thận là rất cao, người ta nói rằng bệnh ung thư tế bào thận sẽ phát triển trong 40% của VHL thân bệnh. Hiện nay, kể từ khi các kỹ thuật phân tích về di truyền tiến hóa, tổ tiên như vậy là bất thường trong một gene xác định xảy ra, tương lai trước khi bắt đầu, có một khả năng cao dự kiến ​​sẽ mất trong ung thư biểu mô tế bào thận bạn. Tuy nhiên, dự đoán bằng cách phân tích gen của không gia đình trong việc xảy ra, [ điều trị ung thư thận] nó vẫn còn giai đoạn của nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện.</p>
==A List of Special Pages==
== A List of special pages ==
Below is a list of options in Special:SpecialPages, color coded by access levels:
Below is a list of options in Special:SpecialPages, color coded by access levels:
* '''Black''' - Available to anyone
* '''Black'''—Available to anyone
* <span style="color:green;">'''Green'''</span> - Available to logged in users
* <span style="color:green;">'''Green'''</span>—Available to logged in users
* <span style="color:red;">'''Red'''</span> - Available to admins and bureaucrats
* <span style="color:red;">'''Red'''</span>—Available to admins
* <span style="color:orange;">'''Orange'''</span> - Available to bureaucrats only
If a Special Page isn't available to a user, it will generally not display on their view of Special:SpecialPages.
If a special page isn't available to a user, it will generally not display on their view of Special:SpecialPages.
===Maintenance reports===
=== Maintenance reports ===
;Broken redirects
; Broken redirects
: [[Special:BrokenRedirects]] : List of pages whose target article has been deleted ([[Help:Redirect]])
: [[Special:BrokenRedirects]]—List of pages whose target article has been deleted ([[Help:Redirect]])
;Dead-end pages
; Dead-end pages
: [[Special:DeadendPages]] : Pages without any outgoing links.
: [[Special:DeadendPages]]—Pages without any outgoing links.
;Double redirects
; Double redirects
: [[Special:DoubleRedirects]] : List of pages that redirect to another redirect page ([[Help:Redirect]])
: [[Special:DoubleRedirects]]—List of pages that redirect to another redirect page ([[Help:Redirect]])
;Long pages
; Long pages
: [[Special:LongPages]] : Pages that contain the most characters in descending order
: [[Special:LongPages]]—Pages that contain the most characters in descending order
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; Oldest pages
: [[Special:AncientPages]] : Lists the oldest pages on a wiki
: [[Special:AncientPages]]—Lists the oldest pages on a wiki
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; Orphaned pages
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: [[Special:LonelyPages]]—Articles not linked to or from any other page on the wiki
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: [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]]—Pages that do not link to any alternate language counterparts ([[Help:Interlanguage links]])
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;Tags Report
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: [[Special:WantedPages]]—Most internally linked-to articles that do not yet exist
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: [[Special:Withoutimages]]—List of pages without [[Help:Photos|images]] on them.
===List of pages===
=== List of pages ===
;All pages
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: [[Special:AllPages]]—A list of every page on the wiki
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;Categories list
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: [[Special:Categories]] : List of categories ([[Help:Category]])
: [[Special:Categories]]—List of [[Help:Category|categories]]
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;Category tree
: [[Special:Templates]]—List of [[Help:Templates|templates]]
: [[Special:CategoryTree]] : Use a category name to see its contents as a tree structure ([[Help:Category]])
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;Disambiguation pages
: [[Special:Disambiguations]] : List pages marked as disambiguations ([[Help:Glossary#D]])
: [[Special:CategoryTree]]—Use a category name to see its contents as a tree structure ([[Help:Category]])
; Disambiguation pages.
;Redirects list
: [[Special:ListRedirects]] : List of redirects on a wiki ([[Help:Redirect]])
: [[Special:Disambiguations]]—List pages marked as disambiguations ([[Help:Glossary#D]])
; Redirects list
: [[Special:ListRedirects]]—List of redirects on a wiki ([[Help:Redirect]])
===Users and rights===
=== Users and rights ===
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: [[Special:Block]]—[[Help:Blocking|Block]] a user or IP address.
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;<span style="color:red;">Deleted contributions</span>
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; <span style="color:red;">User rights management</span>
;User group rights
: [[Special:ListGroupRights]] : List of rights associated with each user group ([[Help:User access levels]])
: [[Special:UserRights]]—Use to manage [[Help:User rights|user rights]] of users.
; Users list
;<span style="color:orange;">User rights management</span>
: [[Special:ListUsers]]—List of people who have edited this wiki. You can also narrow it down to view specific user groups with a specific edit. threshold. This tool also has some aliases that will immediately narrow down the scope of the page. ([[Help:ListUsers]])
: [[Special:UserRights]] : Use to appoint new admins/bureaucrats or to add/remove rollback users. ([[Help:User access levels]])
:: [[Special:ListAdmins]]—Only sysops are returned by default.
;Users list
:: [[Special:ListStaff]]—Only [[staff]] members are returned by default.
: [[Special:ListUsers]] : List of people who have edited this wiki ([[Help:Active users]]). You can also narrow it down to view specific user groups with a specific edit. threshold. This tool also has some aliases that will immediately narrow down the scope of the page.
::[[Special:ListAdmins]] : Only sysops and bureaucrats are returned by default.
:: [[Special:ListVSTF]]—Only [[Help:VSTF|VSTF]] members are returned by default.
::[[Special:ListStaff]] : Only [[staff]] members are returned by default.
:: [[Special:ListBots]]—Only [[Help:Bots|bots]] are returned by default.
::[[Special:ListVSTF]] : Only [[Help:VSTF|VSTF]] members are returned by default.
:: [[Special:ListHelpers]]—Only [[Help:Volunteers and Helpers#Helpers|helpers]] members are returned by default.
::[[Special:ListBots]] : Only [[Help:Bots|bots]] are returned by default.
::[[Special:ListHelpers]] : Only [[Help:Volunteers and Helpers#Helpers|helpers]] members are returned by default.
===Recent changes and logs===
=== Account management and settings ===
; Sign Up
;Followed Pages
: [[Special:Following]] : A list of pages you are following on that wiki
: [[Special:UserSignup]]―Redirects to the page for signing up to Fandom
; Change password
;Logs ([[#Logs|extended list]])
: [[Special:ChangePassword]]—Change the password associated with your user account
: [[Special:Log]] : Logs of deletion, protection, blocking, image uploads and user rights settings
; Change email
;New pages
: [[Special:NewPages]] : List of new pages on a wiki ([[Help:Newest Pages]])
: [[Special:ChangeEmail]]—Change the email address associated with your user account
; Preferences
;New photos on this wiki
: [[Special:Preferences]]—Set your [[Help:Preferences|user preferences]]
: [[Special:NewFiles]] : List of photos on a wiki sorted by newest to oldest
; Followed Pages
;Recent changes
: [[Special:RecentChanges]] : The latest edits on a wiki ([[Help:Recent changes]])
: [[Special:Following]]—A list of pages you are following on that wiki
; Edit Watchlist
;Related changes
: [[Special:EditWatchlist]]—Edit your list of [[Help:Followed pages|watched pages]]
: [[Special:RelatedChanges]] : Changes made recently to pages linked from a specified page<br />or to members of a specified category ([[Help:Related changes]])
;Valid change tags
: [[Special:Tags]] : A list of the tags that MediaWiki may mark an edit with, and their meaning
: [[Special:Watchlist]] : Show the pages you are watching ([[Help:Watchlist]])
=== Recent changes and logs ===
; Logs ([[#Logs|extended list]])
: [[Special:Log]]—Logs of deletion, protection, blocking, image uploads and user rights settings
; New pages
: [[Special:NewPages]]—List of new pages on a wiki
; New photos on this wiki
: [[Special:NewFiles]]—List of photos on a wiki sorted by newest to oldest
; Recent changes
: [[Special:RecentChanges]]—The latest edits on a wiki ([[Help:Recent changes]])
; Related changes
: [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]]—Changes made recently to pages linked from a specified page<br />or to members of a specified category
; Valid change tags
: [[Special:Tags]]—A list of the tags that MediaWiki may mark an edit with, and their meaning
; Watchlist
: [[Special:Watchlist]]—Show the pages you are [[Help:Followed pages|following]]
===Media reports and uploads===
=== Media reports and uploads ===
;Duplicate photos search
; Duplicate photos search
: [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]] : Locate duplicate files based on filename
: [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]—Locate duplicate files based on filename
;File list
; File list
: [[Special:ImageList]] : List of images uploaded that can be sorted by size or date ([[Help:Images]])
: [[Special:ListFiles]]—List of files uploaded that can be sorted by size or date
; MIME search
;File path
: [[Special:FilePath]] : Returns the complete path for a file ([[Help:Images]])
: [[Special:MIMESearch]]—Enables the filtering of files for its MIME-type
;<span style="color:green;">Import Free Images</span>
; <span style="color:green;">Upload multiple files</span>
: [[Special:ImportFreeImages]] : Import properly licensed photos from flickr ([[Help:Import free images]])
: [[Special:MultipleUpload]]—Upload up to 10 files to the wiki ([[Help:Multiple uploads]])
; <span style="color:green;">Upload file</span>
;MIME search
: [[Special:MIMESearch]] : Enables the filtering of files for its MIME-type
: [[Special:Upload]]—[[Help:Uploading files|Upload]] a file to the wiki
;<span style="color:green;">Upload multiple photos</span>
; <span style="color:green;">Upload videos</span>
: [[Special:MultipleUpload]] : Upload up to 10 files to the wiki ([[Help:Multiple uploads]])
: [[Special:WikiaVideoAdd]]—Upload a [[Help:Videos|video]] to the wiki
;<span style="color:green;">Upload photo</span>
: [[Special:Upload]] : Upload a file to the wiki ([[Help:Uploading files]])
=== Wiki data and tools ===
; Statistics
: [[Special:Statistics]]—Total number of pages and users
; System messages
: [[Special:AllMessages]]—Displays all pages in the MediaWiki namespace ([[Help:System messages]])
; Version
: [[Special:Version]]—The version of the software the site is currently running. Also displayed 'installed' extensions
; Wiki Statistics
: [[Special:Insights]]—Displays monthly statistics of active users, edits, uploads, and other useful data
; <span style="color:red;">Parser Speed</span>
: [[Special:ParserSpeed]]—Displays page parsing speed, size, and template statistics. Useful for finding slow and/or overloaded pages. ([[Help:ParserSpeed]])
===Wiki data and tools===
=== Redirecting special pages ===
; External links search
: [[Special:Statistics]] : Total number of pages and users
: [[Special:LinkSearch]]—Links on pages that take readers outside of the wiki
; Random page
;System messages
: [[Special:RandomPage]]—Redirects to a random page
: [[Special:Allmessages]] : Displays all pages in the MediaWiki namespace ([[Help:System Messages]])
; Random redirect
: [[Special:RandomRedirect]]—Randomly taken to a redirecting page ([[Help:Redirect]])
: [[Special:Version]] : The version of the software the site is currently running. Also displayed 'installed' extensions
; Search
;Wikia Statistics
: [[Special:Search]]—Search the wiki ([[Help:Searching]])
: [[Special:WikiStats]] : Displays monthly statistics of active users, edits, uploads, and other useful data
; Link search
: [[Special:LinkSearch]]—Searches through all external links on the wiki
; Random page in category
: [[Special:RandomInCategory]]—Generates a random page limited to the named category
; Diff view
: [[Special:Diff]]—Links to a specific diff on the wiki. Must be used with supplied diff ID as a subpage
: Example: [[Special:Diff/1]] or [[Special:Diff/1/2]]
; Permanent link
: [[Special:PermanentLink]]—Links to an old revision of a page. Must be used with supplied old revision ID as a subpage
: Example: [[Special:PermanentLink/1]]
; File path
: [[Special:FilePath]]—Returns the complete path for a file
; Your user page
: [[Special:Mypage]]—Redirects to your [[Help:Profiles|user page]]
; Your talk page
: [[Special:Mytalk]]—Redirects to your [[Help:Talk pages|talk page]] or [[Help:Message Wall|message wall]]
; Your contributions
: [[Special:Mycontributions]]—Redirects to your [[Help:User contributions|contributions page]]
; Your uploads
: [[Special:Myuploads]]—Redirects to the page with your [[Help:Uploading files|uploads]]
=== High use pages ===
; Most linked-to categories
: [[Special:MostLinkedCategories]]—Categories that have the most links to them in descending order
; Most linked-to pages
: [[Special:MostLinked]]—Pages that have the most links to them in descending order
; Most linked-to photos
: [[Special:MostImages]]—Images that have the most links to them in descending order
; Most linked-to templates
: [[Special:MostLinkedTemplates]]—Templates that have the most links to them in descending order
; Most popular categories
: [[Special:Mostpopularcategories]]—List of the most popular categories
; Pages with the most categories
: [[Special:MostCategories]]—List of pages with the most categories in descending order
; Pages with the most revisions
: [[Special:MostRevisions]]—List of pages with the large number of edits in descending order
===Redirecting special pages===
=== Page tools ===
;External links search
: [[Special:LinkSearch]] : Links on pages that take readers outside of the wiki
;Random page
: [[Special:RandomPage]] : Redirects to a random page ([[Help:Redirect]])
;Random redirect
: [[Special:RandomRedirect]] : Randomly taken to a redirecting page ([[Help:Redirect]])
: [[Special:Search]] : Search the wiki ([[Help:Searching]])
===High use pages===
;Most linked-to categories
: [[Special:MostLinkedCategories]] : Categories that have the most links to them in descending order
;Most linked-to pages
: [[Special:MostLinked]] : Pages that have the most links to them in descending order
;Most linked-to photos
: [[Special:MostImages]] : Images that have the most links to them in descending order
;Most linked-to templates
: [[Special:MostLinkedTemplates]] : Templates that have the most links to them in descending order
;Most popular categories
: [[Special:Mostpopularcategories]] : List of the most popular categories
;Pages with the most categories
: [[Special:MostCategories]] : List of pages with the most categories in descending order
;Pages with the most revisions
: [[Special:MostRevisions]] : List of pages with the large number of edits in descending order
===Page tools===
[[File:Whatlinkshere.png|right|300px|thumb|Example output of the Special:WhatLinksHere page.]]
[[File:Whatlinkshere.png|right|300px|thumb|Example output of the Special:WhatLinksHere page.]]
;Create a new page
; Create a new page
: [[Special:Createpage]] : Guided process to creating new pages ([[Help:New page]])
: [[Special:CreatePage]]—Guided process to creating new pages ([[Help:New page]])
;Export pages
; Export pages
: [[Special:Export]] : Exports the source of individual wiki pages, optionally with their histories, in a thin XML wrapper which includes metadata like time, etc ([[Help:Exporting pages]])
: [[Special:Export]]—Exports the source of individual wiki pages, optionally with their histories, in a thin XML wrapper which includes metadata like time, etc ([[Help:Exporting pages]])
;<span style="color:red;">Import pages</span>
; <span style="color:red;">Import pages</span>
: [[Special:Import]] : Import pages exported from another wiki in an XML file
: [[Special:Import]]—Import pages exported from another wiki in an XML file ([[Help:Exporting pages]])
;<span style="color:red;">Restore deleted pages</span>
; <span style="color:red;">Restore deleted pages</span>
: [[Special:Undelete]] : One way to undelete a page or review deleted revisions of pages
: [[Special:Undelete]]—One way to undelete a page or review deleted revisions of pages
;What links here
; What links here
: [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] : Finds all pages that link to an article. Three filters are available to except links, redirects or transclusions from the results. It is not yet possible to except transcluded links.
: [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]—Finds all pages that link to an article. Three filters are available to except links, redirects or transclusions from the results. It is not yet possible to except transcluded links.
; Move page
: [[Special:MovePage]]—[[Help:Renaming pages|Move]] a page
===Wikia pages===
;Contact Wikia
: [[Special:Contact]] : Send a message or inquiry to the [[Help:Community Team|Community Team]] ([[Help:Contacting Wikia]])
;Create blog
: [[Special:CreateBlogPage]] : Create a new blog post
;Create blog listing
: [[Special:CreateBlogListingPage]] : Create a new blog listing page to display blog posts from categories
;Partner feed
: [[Special:PartnerFeed]] : RSS feed for types of wiki actions and content
===Login/sign up===
;Connect account with Facebook
: [[Special:Connect]]
=== Fandom pages ===
; Contact Fandom
: [[Special:Contact]]—Send a message or inquiry to the [[Help:Community Team|Community Team]] ([[Help:Contacting Fandom]])
; Create blog
: [[Special:CreateBlogPage]]—Create a new blog post
; Create blog listing
: [[Special:CreateBlogListingPage]]—Create a new blog listing page to display blog posts from categories
; Partner feed
: [[Special:PartnerFeed]]—RSS feed for types of wiki actions and content
===Other special pages===
=== Other special pages ===
;API Explorer
; API Explorer
: [[Special:ApiExplorer]] : Displays documentation for the wiki's API
: [[Special:ApiExplorer]]—Displays documentation for the wiki's API
;Achievements Leaderboard
; Achievements Leaderboard
: [[Special:Leaderboard]] : A ranked list of users by achievement badges
: [[Special:Leaderboard]]—A ranked list of users by achievement badges
;Activity feed
; Activity feed
: [[Special:WikiActivity]] : A visual feed of edits and communication on the wiki
: [[Special:WikiActivity]]—A visual feed of edits and communication on the wiki
;Book sources
; Book sources
: [[Special:BookSources]] : Used when an ISBN is linked to on a page
: [[Special:BookSources]]—Used when an ISBN is linked to on a page. See [[mw:Manual:ISBN|Manual:ISBN]] for more information and right syntax.
; Community
;Random page in category
: [[Special:Community]]―[[Help:Community Page|Community Page]]
: [[Special:RandomInCategory]] : Generates a random page limited to the named category
;<span style="color:green;">Wiki Features</span>
; <span style="color:green;">Wiki Features</span>
: [[Special:WikiFeatures]] to view
: [[Special:WikiFeatures]] to view
;<span style="color:red;">Wiki Features</span>
; <span style="color:red;">Wiki Features</span>
: [[Special:WikiFeatures]] to edit
: [[Special:WikiFeatures]] to edit
: Enable, disable, and give feedback on experimental and optional features
: Enable, disable, and give feedback on experimental and optional features
; Map Editor
: [[Special:MapEditor]]―An editor for [[Help:Maps Extension|Maps]].
; <span style="color:red;">Theme Designer</span>
: [[Special:ThemeDesigner]]―Edit the wiki theme.
: If user is signed in, it redirects to the main page of the wiki
; Blank page
: [[Special:BlankPage]]―A blank page. Can be used by [[Help:Advanced CSS and JS|JavaScript]] scripts to insert custom user interface.
== Logs ==
*[[Special:Log/block|Block log]] - blocks and unblocks ([[Help:Blocking]])
* [[Special:Log/block|Block log]] - blocks and unblocks ([[Help:Blocking]])
*[[Special:Log/delete|Deletion log]] - deleted and undeleted pages ([[Help:Deletion]])
* [[Special:Log/delete|Deletion log]] - deleted and undeleted pages ([[Help:Deletion]])
*[[Special:Log/import|Import log]] - administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis
* [[Special:Log/import|Import log]] - administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis
*[[Special:Log/merge|Merge log]] - list of the most recent merges of one page history into another
* [[Special:Log/merge|Merge log]] - list of the most recent merges of one page history into another
*[[Special:Log/move|Move log]] - list of page moves ([[Help:Moving pages]])
* [[Special:Log/move|Move log]] - list of page moves ([[Help:Moving pages]])
*[[Special:Log/newusers|User creation log]] - list of newly created accounts.
* [[Special:Log/newusers|User creation log]] - list of newly created accounts.
*[[Special:Log/protect|Protection log]] - protected and unprotected pages ([[Help:Page protection]])
* [[Special:Log/protect|Protection log]] - list of page protections and unprotections ([[Help:Page protection]])
*[[Special:Log/var_log|Settings log]] - changes to the default site skin
* [[Special:Log/upload|Upload log]] - list of images uploaded ([[Help:Uploading files]])
*[[Special:Log/upload|Upload log]] - list of images uploaded ([[Help:Uploading files]])
* [[Special:Log/rights|User rights log]] - changes to user rights ([[Help:User rights]])
*[[Special:Log/rights|User rights log]] - changes to user rights ([[Help:User access levels]])
* [[Special:Log/wikifeatures|Wiki Features log]] - changes to [[Help:Wiki Features|wiki features]].
* [[Special:Log/useravatar|User avatar log]] - changes to [[Help:Avatars|user avatars]].
* [[Special:Log/templateclassification|Template classification log]] - changes to [[Help:Template types|template types]].
* [[Special:Log/renameuser|User rename log]] - list of user [[Help:Changing your username|renames]].
Some extension also add new log types to the wiki (these will only exist if they are enabled at your wiki). Examples:
Some extension also add new log types to the wiki (these will only exist if they are enabled at your wiki). Examples:
*[[Special:Log/patrol|Patrol log]] - log of patrolled revisions ([[Help:Recent changes patrol]])
* [[Special:Log/chatban|Chat Ban log]] - list of [[Help:Chat|chat]] bans.
*[[Special:Log/useravatar|User Avatar]] - Logs of uploading/changing of avatars ([[Help:Blog article|Blogs]])
* [[Special:Log/patrol|Patrol log]] - log of [[Help:Recent changes patrol|patrolled]] revisions
* [[Special:Log/abusefilter|Abuse Filter log]] - log of changes to [[Help:AbuseFilter|abuse filters]].
block, protect, rights, delete, upload, move, import, patrol, merge, suppress, editaccnt,
abusefilter, piggyback, useravatar, phalanx, phalanxemail, renameuser, chatban, chatconnect,
wikifeatures, templateclassification, newusers
Obtained from
==See also==
== See also ==
*[[Help:Special page inclusion]]
* [[Help:Special page inclusion]]
* [[Help:Extensions]]
*[[MetaWikipedia:Help:Special page]]
* [[MetaWikipedia:Help:Special page]]
==Further Help & Feedback==
== Further help and feedback ==
{{Help and feedback section}}
{{Help and feedback section}}
[[nl:Help:Speciale pagina's]]
[[es:Ayuda:Páginas especiales]]
[[es:Ayuda:Páginas especiales]]
[[fr:Aide:Pages spéciales]]
[[fr:Aide:Pages spéciales]]
[[nl:Help:Speciale pagina's]]
[[nl:Help:Speciale pagina's]]
[[pl:Pomoc:Strony specjalne]]
[[pl:Pomoc:Strony specjalne]]
[[pt:Ajuda:Páginas especiais]]
[[ru:Справка:Служебные страницы]]
[[vi:Trợ giúp:Trang đặc biệt]]
[[Category:Admin tools]]
[[Category:Administration help]]
[[Category:Special pages]]
[[Category:Special pages]]
[[Category:Administration help|{{PAGENAME}}]]

Revision as of 18:05, 2 January 2017

Special Pages

A screenshot of Special Pages.

Special pages are useful tools and reports that come with the MediaWiki software and help with wiki management. Special pages always begin with the prefix "Special:".

How to find special pages

  • You can see a list of special pages available by visiting Special:SpecialPages on your wiki.
  • If you're an admin on the wiki, you can find this in the Admin Dashboard under the "Advanced" Tab.
  • If you want to create a shortcut to this list, you can add it to your toolbar by clicking "Customize" and adding "Special pages" to your list.

A List of special pages

Below is a list of options in Special:SpecialPages, color coded by access levels:

  • Black—Available to anyone
  • Green—Available to logged in users
  • Red—Available to admins

If a special page isn't available to a user, it will generally not display on their view of Special:SpecialPages.

Maintenance reports

Broken redirects
Special:BrokenRedirects—List of pages whose target article has been deleted (Help:Redirect)
Dead-end pages
Special:DeadendPages—Pages without any outgoing links.
Double redirects
Special:DoubleRedirects—List of pages that redirect to another redirect page (Help:Redirect)
Long pages
Special:LongPages—Pages that contain the most characters in descending order
Oldest pages
Special:AncientPages—Lists the oldest pages on a wiki
Orphaned pages
Special:LonelyPages—Articles not linked to or from any other page on the wiki
Pages with the fewest revisions
Special:FewestRevisions—Pages with the least amount of edits
Pages without language links
Special:WithoutInterwiki—Pages that do not link to any alternate language counterparts (Help:Interlanguage links)
Protected pages
Special:ProtectedPages—List pages that cannot be edited by non-admins or non-autoconfirmed users (Help:Page protection)
Protected titles
Special:ProtectedTitles—Pages that have been protected from creation from non-admins (Help:Page protection)
Short pages
Special:ShortPages—Pages that contain the fewest characters in ascending order
Tags Report
Special:TagsReport—Lists all of the specific tags in alphabetical order along with how many pages for each tag
Uncategorized categories
Special:UncategorizedCategories—Categories without category tags (Help:Category)
Uncategorized pages
Special:UncategorizedPages—Pages without category tags (Help:Category)
Uncategorized photos
Special:UncategorizedImages—Images without category tags (Help:Category)
Uncategorized templates
Special:UncategorizedTemplates—Templates without category tags (Help:Category)
Unused categories
Special:UnusedCategories displays categories that have not been used
Unused photos
Special:UnusedImages—Images that do not appear on any page (Help:Photos)
Unused templates
Special:UnusedTemplates—Templates that are not included in any page (Help:Templates)
Unused videos
Special:UnusedVideos—Videos that do not appear on any page (Help:Videos)
Unwatched pages
Special:UnwatchedPages—Pages that are not on any user's watchlist
Wanted categories
Special:WantedCategories—Pages that use a category that has not been created yet (Help:Category)
Wanted pages
Special:WantedPages—Most internally linked-to articles that do not yet exist
Wanted photos
Special:WantedFiles—Most internally linked-to files (not just images) that do not yet exist
Pages without images
Special:Withoutimages—List of pages without images on them.

List of pages

All pages
Special:AllPages—A list of every page on the wiki
All pages with prefix
Special:PrefixIndex Displays all namespaces within the wiki, along with a search box
Categories list
Special:Categories—List of categories
Templates list
Special:Templates—List of templates
Category tree
Special:CategoryTree—Use a category name to see its contents as a tree structure (Help:Category)
Disambiguation pages.
Special:Disambiguations—List pages marked as disambiguations (Help:Glossary#D)
Redirects list
Special:ListRedirects—List of redirects on a wiki (Help:Redirect)

Users and rights

Block user
Special:BlockBlock a user or IP address.
Unblock user
Special:UnblockUnblock a user or IP address.
Blocked IP addresses and usernames
Special:BlockList—Blocked IPs and usernames (Help:Blocking)
Special:Contributions—List of contributions of anonymous or logged-in users (Help:User contributions)
Deleted contributions
Special:DeletedContributions—View a user's or IP address's edits that have been deleted (Help:Deletion)
Edit count
Special:EditCount—Edit tally broken down by namespaces locally and globally (Help:Edit count)
User group rights
Special:ListGroupRights—List of rights associated with each user group
User rights management
Special:UserRights—Use to manage user rights of users.
Users list
Special:ListUsers—List of people who have edited this wiki. You can also narrow it down to view specific user groups with a specific edit. threshold. This tool also has some aliases that will immediately narrow down the scope of the page. (Help:ListUsers)
Special:ListAdmins—Only sysops are returned by default.
Special:ListStaff—Only staff members are returned by default.
Special:ListVSTF—Only VSTF members are returned by default.
Special:ListBots—Only bots are returned by default.
Special:ListHelpers—Only helpers members are returned by default.

Account management and settings

Sign Up
Special:UserSignup―Redirects to the page for signing up to Fandom
Change password
Special:ChangePassword—Change the password associated with your user account
Change email
Special:ChangeEmail—Change the email address associated with your user account
Special:Preferences—Set your user preferences
Followed Pages
Special:Following—A list of pages you are following on that wiki
Edit Watchlist
Special:EditWatchlist—Edit your list of watched pages

Recent changes and logs

Logs (extended list)
Special:Log—Logs of deletion, protection, blocking, image uploads and user rights settings
New pages
Special:NewPages—List of new pages on a wiki
New photos on this wiki
Special:NewFiles—List of photos on a wiki sorted by newest to oldest
Recent changes
Special:RecentChanges—The latest edits on a wiki (Help:Recent changes)
Related changes
Special:RecentChangesLinked—Changes made recently to pages linked from a specified page
or to members of a specified category
Valid change tags
Special:Tags—A list of the tags that MediaWiki may mark an edit with, and their meaning
Special:Watchlist—Show the pages you are following

Media reports and uploads

Duplicate photos search
Special:FileDuplicateSearch—Locate duplicate files based on filename
File list
Special:ListFiles—List of files uploaded that can be sorted by size or date
MIME search
Special:MIMESearch—Enables the filtering of files for its MIME-type
Upload multiple files
Special:MultipleUpload—Upload up to 10 files to the wiki (Help:Multiple uploads)
Upload file
Special:UploadUpload a file to the wiki
Upload videos
Special:WikiaVideoAdd—Upload a video to the wiki

Wiki data and tools

Special:Statistics—Total number of pages and users
System messages
Special:AllMessages—Displays all pages in the MediaWiki namespace (Help:System messages)
Special:Version—The version of the software the site is currently running. Also displayed 'installed' extensions
Wiki Statistics
Special:Insights—Displays monthly statistics of active users, edits, uploads, and other useful data
Parser Speed
Special:ParserSpeed—Displays page parsing speed, size, and template statistics. Useful for finding slow and/or overloaded pages. (Help:ParserSpeed)

Redirecting special pages

External links search
Special:LinkSearch—Links on pages that take readers outside of the wiki
Random page
Special:RandomPage—Redirects to a random page
Random redirect
Special:RandomRedirect—Randomly taken to a redirecting page (Help:Redirect)
Special:Search—Search the wiki (Help:Searching)
Link search
Special:LinkSearch—Searches through all external links on the wiki
Random page in category
Special:RandomInCategory—Generates a random page limited to the named category
Diff view
Special:Diff—Links to a specific diff on the wiki. Must be used with supplied diff ID as a subpage
Example: Special:Diff/1 or Special:Diff/1/2
Permanent link
Special:PermanentLink—Links to an old revision of a page. Must be used with supplied old revision ID as a subpage
Example: Special:PermanentLink/1
File path
Special:FilePath—Returns the complete path for a file
Your user page
Special:Mypage—Redirects to your user page
Your talk page
Special:Mytalk—Redirects to your talk page or message wall
Your contributions
Special:Mycontributions—Redirects to your contributions page
Your uploads
Special:Myuploads—Redirects to the page with your uploads

High use pages

Most linked-to categories
Special:MostLinkedCategories—Categories that have the most links to them in descending order
Most linked-to pages
Special:MostLinked—Pages that have the most links to them in descending order
Most linked-to photos
Special:MostImages—Images that have the most links to them in descending order
Most linked-to templates
Special:MostLinkedTemplates—Templates that have the most links to them in descending order
Most popular categories
Special:Mostpopularcategories—List of the most popular categories
Pages with the most categories
Special:MostCategories—List of pages with the most categories in descending order
Pages with the most revisions
Special:MostRevisions—List of pages with the large number of edits in descending order

Page tools


Example output of the Special:WhatLinksHere page.

Create a new page
Special:CreatePage—Guided process to creating new pages (Help:New page)
Export pages
Special:Export—Exports the source of individual wiki pages, optionally with their histories, in a thin XML wrapper which includes metadata like time, etc (Help:Exporting pages)
Import pages
Special:Import—Import pages exported from another wiki in an XML file (Help:Exporting pages)
Restore deleted pages
Special:Undelete—One way to undelete a page or review deleted revisions of pages
What links here
Special:WhatLinksHere—Finds all pages that link to an article. Three filters are available to except links, redirects or transclusions from the results. It is not yet possible to except transcluded links.
Move page
Special:MovePageMove a page

Fandom pages

Contact Fandom
Special:Contact—Send a message or inquiry to the Community Team (Help:Contacting Fandom)
Create blog
Special:CreateBlogPage—Create a new blog post
Create blog listing
Special:CreateBlogListingPage—Create a new blog listing page to display blog posts from categories
Partner feed
Special:PartnerFeed—RSS feed for types of wiki actions and content

Other special pages

API Explorer
Special:ApiExplorer—Displays documentation for the wiki's API
Achievements Leaderboard
Special:Leaderboard—A ranked list of users by achievement badges
Activity feed
Special:WikiActivity—A visual feed of edits and communication on the wiki
Book sources
Special:BookSources—Used when an ISBN is linked to on a page. See Manual:ISBN for more information and right syntax.
Special:CommunityCommunity Page
Wiki Features
Special:WikiFeatures to view
Wiki Features
Special:WikiFeatures to edit
Enable, disable, and give feedback on experimental and optional features
Map Editor
Special:MapEditor―An editor for Maps.
Theme Designer
Special:ThemeDesigner―Edit the wiki theme.
If user is signed in, it redirects to the main page of the wiki
Blank page
Special:BlankPage―A blank page. Can be used by JavaScript scripts to insert custom user interface.


Some extension also add new log types to the wiki (these will only exist if they are enabled at your wiki). Examples:

See also

Further help and feedback