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If you need to close your account, please Contact Wikia Support. DO NOT leave requests on this page.

Closing accounts

Are accounts only disabled by request, or can they be disabled for vandalism? Is this basically global blocking? Bryce53 08:07, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

Not Necessarily. According to Sannse, she said accounts are always disabled per request.  Tariqmudallal  Talk  LogoLine  Logopedia  Community Central  Pixar Wiki  Bloons Wiki  Plants vs. Zombies Wiki  18:52,11/29/2013 

What if you want to delete an account but own a wikia? Max, Terra Dragon (talk) 01:03, June 29, 2016 (UTC)

Why would you want to delete your account but own a wiki?[Template fetch failed for HTTP 404] 16:35, September 27, 2016 (UTC)