Community Central
Community Central

My First Wiki :3[]

I decided to make a wiki, recognizing animal jam, not for rares, but for what it actually is.

Of course, there is the education, such as the party for true or false statements. 

I also run a channel, so alot to do and see.

I would just like for people to stop themselves from going to Aldan, (a world,) and instead try tigris or something.

Making buddies, (friends,) making outfits, shopping, playing games, and having fun...


Making rares, getting scammed, waiting around for a trade, making a long trade and then animal jam cancels it.

This wiki is recorgnizing best moments, of people who have fun for the game, and who work to impress, having fun at the same time. 

i can't wait for spreading the word. I'll learn to make better arcticles in the future ;)