Community Central
Community Central


Welcome, Nyarlathotep, to Community Central!

We are a friendly community here; most of us are active on an individual wiki, and many of us are active on more than one.

If you're looking for help, use the Community Portal or Help Desk. For finding a helper or a staff, speaking your language, see the page Staff and Helpers by language. If your wiki needs something done, leave the details on the Volunteer Portal. If you need assistance from a member of staff, leave a message with one of the Community Team.

You can get live help from community members and staff in our IRC channel. There are also channels for larger Wikia and their communities. Here you can socialize and get to know your community!

If you have an idea for a new wiki, please let us know! Check out new wikis and see if any of them interest you. A directory of existing wikis is also available.

Finally, please keep an eye on the recent changes to see what the community is up to and to help revert spam and vandalism.


I've (roughly/quickly) read your proposal. It really shouldn't be on a separate page: it should be on proposed wikis. But it is rather long, so the bosses may let it pass. At least it's a subpage. You should link to it from proposed wikis, I think.

Robin Patterson 11:53, 29 Dec 2005 (UTC)