Community Central
Community Central
No edit summary
Line 1: Line 1:
$(function () {
/* get all personal code files in chat */
if(wgPageName == 'Special:Chat') {
/* Important: you must click the chat button in the rail for this to work. */
$('body').prepend('<style type="text/css">.chat-mod, .mod, .mod::after {color:#da0;} .chat-mod.away {color:#eda;} .ChatHeader .username, .me, .me::after {color:#00c;} .UserStatsMenu {color:#000;}</style>');
/* Very important: Chat is still a beta feature. Chat hacks may break as the feature is changed and updated, as it is a work in progress. */
$(setTimeout('ChatCheck()', 200));
//Add a 'go afk' button
$('#Write').append('<a class="wikia-button" href="javascript:ToggleAway()" style="margin-left:3px;">AFK</a>');
function ChatCheck() {
//Unbind all of the listeners that set your status to back
if($('.chat-join button').length != 0) {
$('.chat-join button').replaceWith('<a class="wikia-button" onclick="OpenChatWindow()"><img src="" style="margin-right:3px;">Join the Chat</a>');
//Set status to back when you press enter
} else {
$('input[name=message]').bind('keypress', function () {if(event.keyCode == 13) {NodeChatHelper.resetActivityTimer();}});
setTimeout('ChatCheck()', 200);
//Add a 'clear chat' button
$('#Write').append('<a class="wikia-button" href="javascript:$(\'.Chat ul\').html(\'\')" style="margin-left:6px;">Clear</a>');
window.mods = [];
function OpenChatWindow() {
window.list = document.getElementById('Users').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
window.chatwindow ='/index.php?title=Special:Chat&useskin=wikia');
for(i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
window.chatwindow.onload = function () {
if(list[i].className.split(' ')[1] == 'chat-mod') {
//addOnloadHook, importScript, and importStylesheet
mods.push(list[i].id.substring(5, list[i].id.length));
window.chatwindow.$('body').prepend('<script>\nfunction importScript(b){var a=wgScript+"?title="+encodeURIComponent(b.replace(/ /g,"_")).replace(/%2F/ig,"/").replace(/%3A/ig,":")+"&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript";return importScriptURI(a)}\nfunction importScriptURI(a){var b=document.createElement("script");b.setAttribute("src",a);b.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b);return b}\nfunction importScriptPage(b,d){var a="/index.php?title="+encodeURIComponent(b.replace(/ /g,"_")).replace("%2F","/").replace("%3A",":")+"&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript";if(typeof d=="string"){if(d.indexOf("://")==-1){a="http://"+d+""+a}else{a=d+a}}return importScriptURI(a)}\nfunction importStylesheet(a){return importStylesheetURI(wgScript+"?action=raw&ctype=text/css&title="+encodeURIComponent(a.replace(/ /g,"_")))}\nfunction importStylesheetURI(b,d){var a=document.createElement("link");a.type="text/css";a.rel="stylesheet";a.href=b;if(d){}document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a);return a}\nfunction importStylesheetPage(b,d){var a="/index.php?title="+encodeURIComponent(b.replace(/ /g,"_")).replace("%2F","/").replace("%3A",":")+"&action=raw&ctype=text/css";if(typeof d=="string"){if(d.indexOf("://")==-1){a="http://"+d+""+a}else{a=d+a}}return importStylesheetURI(a)}\n//This isn\'t the same as the regular addOnloadHook, because the regular one runs from a script tag in the body that I don\'t feel like appending. It\'s easier to just make it $(function), which is essentially equivalent\nfunction addOnloadHook(func) {$(func);}\n</script>');
window.chatwindow.importScriptURI('' + wgUserName + '/global.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');
//Add/remove mods when people join/leave
window.chatwindow.importScriptURI(wgServer + '/index.php?title=User:' + wgUserName + '/wikia.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');
NodeChatController.view.model.users._callbacks.add[0] = function(user) {
if(user.attributes.isModerator == true) {
window.chatwindow.importStylesheetURI('' + wgUserName + '/global.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css');
var add = true;
for(i in mods) {if(mods[i] == {add = false;}}
window.chatwindow.importStylesheetURI(wgServer + '/index.php?title=User:' + wgUserName + '/wikia.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css');
if(add == true) {mods.push(}
//These are my chat hacks. If you don't want them, you can delete this line.
var view = new UserView({model: user});
$('#Users > ul').append(view.render().el);
NodeChatController.view.model.users._callbacks.remove[0] = function(user) {
NodeChatHelper.log("Trying to remove " + user.get('name') + " from the list.");
NodeChatHelper.log("Matches found: " + $('#' + NodeChatHelper.liIdByUsername( user.get('name') )).length);
for(i in mods) {if(mods[i] == {mods[i] = undefined;}}
$('#' + NodeChatHelper.liIdByUsername( user.get('name') )).remove();
//Color mod posts when they're added
NodeChatController.view.model.chats._callbacks.add[0] = function (chat) {
// Determine if chat view is presently scrolled to the bottom
var isAtBottom = false;
if (($("#Chat").scrollTop() + 1) >= ($("#Chat ul").outerHeight() - $("#Chat").height())) {
isAtBottom = true;
// Add message to chat
var view = new ChatView({model: chat});
for(i in mods) {if(mods[i] == { = '<span class="mod">' + + '</span>'}}
if(wgUserName == { = '<span class="me">' + + '</span>'}
$('#Chat ul').append(view.render().el);
// Scroll chat to bottom
if ( == wgUserName || isAtBottom) {
//Add a custom inline alert that tells you when your status changes
NodeChatController.view.setAway = function (){
var msg = '';
//var msg = $('.user').html();
//if(!msg){msg = '';}
NodeChatHelper.log("Attempting to go away with message: " + msg);
var setStatusCommand = new models.SetStatusCommand({
statusMessage: msg
InlineAlert('You are now away.');
NodeChatController.view.setBack = function (){
NodeChatHelper.log("Attempting to come BACK from away.");
var setStatusCommand = new models.SetStatusCommand({
statusMessage: ''
InlineAlert('You are no longer away.');
//Add timestamp to messages - doesn't work yet, have to find this object ref
$('#Write').unbind('submit'); //unbind the default, because it uses 6 nested function calls that make it impossible to know what the object reference is
NodeChatController.view.sendMessage = function(){
var inputField = $('input[name=message]');
var nameField = $('input[name=user_name]');
if (inputField.val()) {
//Preparse message - will return true or false, based on whether the message should still be sent or not
var run = Preparse(inputField.val());
if(run == true) {
var date = new Date();
if(date.getUTCHours() >= 10) {var hours = date.getUTCHours();}
else {var hours = '0' + date.getUTCHours();}
if(date.getUTCMinutes() >= 10) {var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();}
else {var minutes = '0' + date.getUTCMinutes();}
chatEntry = new models.ChatEntry({name: nameField.val(), text: '[' + hours + ':' + minutes + '] ' + inputField.val()});
$('#Write').bind('submit', function(){;}); //rebind our new function, even though it'll throw an XHR POST error every time we send
function InlineAlert(text) {
$('.Chat ul').append('<li class="inline-alert">' + text + '</li>');
function Preparse(input) {
var text = input.split(' ');
switch(text[0]) {
case '/away':
case '/afk':
return false;
case '/clear':
$('.Chat ul').html('');
InlineAlert('Window cleared.');
return false;
case '/kickban':
//NodeChatController.view.kickBan(build(text, 1));
return false;
case '/self':
if(text[1] != undefined) {
str = build(text, 1);
newstr = '';
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
switch(str.charAt(i)) {
case '[':
if(str.charAt(i + 1) == '[') {
var k = str.indexOf(']', i);
if(str.charAt(k + 1) == ']') {
var substr = str.substring(i + 2, k);
if(substr.indexOf('|') != -1) {
var link = substr.substring(0, substr.indexOf('|'));
var linktext = substr.substring(substr.indexOf('|') + 1, substr.length);
else {
var link = substr;
var linktext = link;
var linkspl = link.split(' ');
link = '';
for(var j in linkspl) {link += linkspl[j] + '_';}
link = link.substring(0, link.length - 1);
newstr += '<a href="/wiki/' + link + '">' + linktext + '</a>';
i = k + 1;
else if(str.substring(i + 1, i + 8) == 'http://') {
var k = str.indexOf(']', i);
var splstr = str.substring(i + 1, k).split(' ');
if(splstr == str.substring(i + 1, k)) {
var text = '[1]';
else {
var text = build(splstr, 1);
newstr += '<a href="' + splstr[0] + '">' + text + '</a>';
i = k;
newstr += str.charAt(i);
$('.Chat ul').append('<li><img class="avatar" src="' + $('#ChatHeader .User').attr('src') + '"><span class="username"><span class="me">' + wgUserName + '</span></span><span class="message" style="color:#999;"> (self) ' + newstr + '</span></li>');
else {
$('.Chat ul').append('<li><img class="avatar" src="' + $('#ChatHeader .User').attr('src') + '"><span class="username"><span class="me">' + wgUserName + '</span></span><span class="message" style="color:#999;"> (self)</span></li>');
return false;
case '/me':
if(text[1] != undefined) {$('input[name="message"]').val('* ' + wgUserName + ' ' + build(text, 1));}
else {$('input[name="message"]').val('* ' + wgUserName);}
return true;
return true;
//Parser helping function - takes an array of text created with .split(' '),
//and an index number for where to start, then rebuilds the string.
//Can also accept an index value for where to stop.
function build(text, index, stop) {
var newtext = '';
if(stop == undefined || stop == 0) {stop = text.length}
else if(stop < 0) {stop += text.length}
if(index == stop || index == text.length - 1) {return text[index];}
for(var i = index; i < stop; i++) {
newtext += text[i] + ' ';
return newtext;
function ToggleAway() {
if($('#ChatHeader .User').hasClass('away') == true) {
else {

Revision as of 23:35, 24 April 2011

$(function () {
	if(wgPageName == 'Special:Chat') {
		$('body').prepend('<style type="text/css">.chat-mod, .mod, .mod::after {color:#da0;} .chat-mod.away {color:#eda;} .ChatHeader .username, .me, .me::after {color:#00c;} .UserStatsMenu {color:#000;}</style>');
		//Add a 'go afk' button
		$('#Write').append('<a class="wikia-button" href="javascript:ToggleAway()" style="margin-left:3px;">AFK</a>');
		//Unbind all of the listeners that set your status to back
		//Set status to back when you press enter
		$('input[name=message]').bind('keypress', function () {if(event.keyCode == 13) {NodeChatHelper.resetActivityTimer();}});
		//Add a 'clear chat' button
		$('#Write').append('<a class="wikia-button" href="javascript:$(\'.Chat ul\').html(\'\')" style="margin-left:6px;">Clear</a>');
		window.mods = [];
		window.list = document.getElementById('Users').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
		for(i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
			if(list[i].className.split(' ')[1] == 'chat-mod') {
				mods.push(list[i].id.substring(5, list[i].id.length));
		//Add/remove mods when people join/leave
		NodeChatController.view.model.users._callbacks.add[0] = function(user) {
			if(user.attributes.isModerator == true) {
				var add = true;
				for(i in mods) {if(mods[i] == {add = false;}}
				if(add == true) {mods.push(}
			var view = new UserView({model: user});
			$('#Users > ul').append(view.render().el);
		NodeChatController.view.model.users._callbacks.remove[0] = function(user) {
			NodeChatHelper.log("Trying to remove " + user.get('name') + " from the list.");
			NodeChatHelper.log("Matches found: " + $('#' + NodeChatHelper.liIdByUsername( user.get('name') )).length);
			for(i in mods) {if(mods[i] == {mods[i] = undefined;}}
			$('#' + NodeChatHelper.liIdByUsername( user.get('name') )).remove();
		//Color mod posts when they're added
		NodeChatController.view.model.chats._callbacks.add[0] = function (chat) {
			// Determine if chat view is presently scrolled to the bottom
			var isAtBottom = false;             
			if (($("#Chat").scrollTop() + 1) >= ($("#Chat ul").outerHeight() - $("#Chat").height())) {
				isAtBottom = true;
			// Add message to chat
			var view = new ChatView({model: chat});
			for(i in mods) {if(mods[i] == { = '<span class="mod">' + + '</span>'}}
			if(wgUserName == { = '<span class="me">' + + '</span>'}
			$('#Chat ul').append(view.render().el);
			// Scroll chat to bottom
			if ( == wgUserName || isAtBottom) {
		//Add a custom inline alert that tells you when your status changes
		NodeChatController.view.setAway = function (){
			var msg = '';
			//var msg = $('.user').html();
			//if(!msg){msg = '';}
			NodeChatHelper.log("Attempting to go away with message: " + msg);
			var setStatusCommand = new models.SetStatusCommand({
				statusState: STATUS_STATE_AWAY,
				statusMessage: msg
			InlineAlert('You are now away.');
		NodeChatController.view.setBack = function (){
			NodeChatHelper.log("Attempting to come BACK from away.");
			var setStatusCommand = new models.SetStatusCommand({
				statusState: STATUS_STATE_PRESENT,
				statusMessage: ''
			InlineAlert('You are no longer away.');
		//Add timestamp to messages - doesn't work yet, have to find this object ref
		$('#Write').unbind('submit'); //unbind the default, because it uses 6 nested function calls that make it impossible to know what the object reference is
		NodeChatController.view.sendMessage = function(){
			var inputField = $('input[name=message]');
			var nameField = $('input[name=user_name]');
			if (inputField.val()) {
				//Preparse message - will return true or false, based on whether the message should still be sent or not
				var run = Preparse(inputField.val());
				if(run == true) {
					var date = new Date();
					if(date.getUTCHours() >= 10) {var hours = date.getUTCHours();}
					else {var hours = '0' + date.getUTCHours();}
				 	if(date.getUTCMinutes() >= 10) {var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();}
					else {var minutes = '0' + date.getUTCMinutes();}
					chatEntry = new models.ChatEntry({name: nameField.val(), text: '[' + hours + ':' + minutes + '] ' + inputField.val()});
		$('#Write').bind('submit', function(){;}); //rebind our new function, even though it'll throw an XHR POST error every time we send
function InlineAlert(text) {
	$('.Chat ul').append('<li class="inline-alert">' + text + '</li>');
function Preparse(input) {
	var text = input.split(' ');
	switch(text[0]) {
		case '/away':
		case '/afk':
			return false;
		case '/clear':
			$('.Chat ul').html('');
			InlineAlert('Window cleared.');
			return false;
		case '/kickban':
			//NodeChatController.view.kickBan(build(text, 1));
			return false;
		case '/self':
			if(text[1] != undefined) {
				str = build(text, 1);
				newstr = '';
				for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
					switch(str.charAt(i)) {
						case '[':
							if(str.charAt(i + 1) == '[') {
								var k = str.indexOf(']', i);
								if(str.charAt(k + 1) == ']') {
									var substr = str.substring(i + 2, k);
									if(substr.indexOf('|') != -1) {
										var link = substr.substring(0, substr.indexOf('|'));
										var linktext = substr.substring(substr.indexOf('|') + 1, substr.length);
									else {
										var link = substr;
										var linktext = link;
									var linkspl = link.split(' ');
									link = '';
									for(var j in linkspl) {link += linkspl[j] + '_';}
									link = link.substring(0, link.length - 1);
									newstr += '<a href="/wiki/' + link + '">' + linktext + '</a>';
									i = k + 1;
							else if(str.substring(i + 1, i + 8) == 'http://') {
								var k = str.indexOf(']', i);
								var splstr = str.substring(i + 1, k).split(' ');
								if(splstr == str.substring(i + 1, k)) {
									var text = '[1]';
								else {
									var text = build(splstr, 1);
								newstr += '<a href="' + splstr[0] + '">' + text + '</a>';
								i = k;
							newstr += str.charAt(i);
				$('.Chat ul').append('<li><img class="avatar" src="' + $('#ChatHeader .User').attr('src') + '"><span class="username"><span class="me">' + wgUserName + '</span></span><span class="message" style="color:#999;"> (self) ' + newstr + '</span></li>');
			else {
				$('.Chat ul').append('<li><img class="avatar" src="' + $('#ChatHeader .User').attr('src') + '"><span class="username"><span class="me">' + wgUserName + '</span></span><span class="message" style="color:#999;"> (self)</span></li>');
			return false;
		case '/me':
			if(text[1] != undefined) {$('input[name="message"]').val('* ' + wgUserName + ' ' + build(text, 1));}
			else {$('input[name="message"]').val('* ' + wgUserName);}
			return true;
			return true;
//Parser helping function - takes an array of text created with .split(' '),
//and an index number for where to start, then rebuilds the string.
//Can also accept an index value for where to stop.
function build(text, index, stop) {
	var newtext = '';
	if(stop == undefined || stop == 0) {stop = text.length}
	else if(stop < 0) {stop += text.length}
	if(index == stop || index == text.length - 1) {return text[index];}
	for(var i = index; i < stop; i++) {
		newtext += text[i] + ' ';
	return newtext;
function ToggleAway() {
	if($('#ChatHeader .User').hasClass('away') == true) {
	else {