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Alicia Kingsleigh Alicia Kingsleigh 9 February 2017


My name is Alice Kingsleigh,I was born the January 27 in England, I have 21 years old.

I love read everything types of books , I love cooking for the people poor , I would like to travel in the boat of my father.

One day my parents me said I had that merry me with Richard for convenience ,the day when Richard  is proposed to me in marriage I am scared because I was not ready.... for these reasons I decided escape,of my obligations and leave my family, Okay but another day will tell that.

I would like that between women and men are equal,that the womans can do all that the men do , the womans also can do extreme sports ,also can do proffesional activities as astronaut,engineer, mathematician, and others. I would like in the boat of my fathers …

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