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I know this is not my business but I see a suspicious activity in and (Though most activities happen at Future Worm) ...

The last admin in Future Worm wiki has been inactive for a long time.. It's name is Andi Cruz, which probably have a other name called Sarah. And recently there is some unknown people discussing about which I get, they want to take over the wiki. In fact, the wiki probably already takeover-ed, because the title and the wiki logo is now a bad word. It's possible that Andi Cruz her(?)self did it, but another thread comes up which Diego tell Starco to reverse the "hack" he put to the wiki.

In, Star vs The Forces of Evil wiki, another wiki where Andi Cruz was active (he's inactive there for a long time too), a another people, but the topic of their conversation is similar to the people in Future Worm wiki. Are these people possible a hacker? Because they talk about one of them being a fake "Wikia Supervisor" just to get Andi Cruz's right and takeover all her(?) Wikis?

The conversation in Future Worm wiki

Suspected person: "Starco992" and "Diego and Maddie Rock!"

The conversation in Star vs The Forces of Evil wiki

Suspected person: "Bunsen9", "Diego and Maddie Rock!", "QueenAriel", "AndiCruz1" (This is may be the real Andi Cruz's second account or something)

Plesse take this information further because I felt something wrong is going on and their activities are very suspicious. I dont want my favorite wiki be messed up with them or whatever thing they are planned. Thank you for you attention

-Starlight Glimmers